AU Wins Delegation Award at UPMUNC 2018

Last weekend the AU Model United Nations team sent a delegation of 12 to the fifty-second annual UPMUNC at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. The team was delighted to receive an award for “Outstanding Small Delegation” based off of the following individual awards:

  1. Josh Isler (SIS ‘19) Honorable Mention in JCC: USA National Security Council

  2. Zachary Bontempo (SIS ‘19) & Mehak Chadha (SIS ‘20) Honorable Mention in DISEC

  3. Sam Raggio (SIS ‘19) and Zach Stahl (KSB ‘19) Best Delegate in UNSC

  4. Mitchell Lenneville (SPA ‘19) Best Delegate in SPECPOL

  5. Rachel Rubin (SIS ‘21) Outstanding Delegate in WHO

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