About AmeriMUNC
The American University Model United Nations Conference (AmeriMUNC) is a three-day Model United Nations conference hosted by American University for high school students in Washington, DC. AmeriMUNC is completely planned and executed by students at AU, and provides college students a unique opportunity to expand their potentials in leadership and to mentor younger students. AmeriMUNC is a way for the students at AU to pass on knowledge and experience in both international relations and Model UN to younger high school students. In 2020, AmeriMUNC will be held from January 31- February 2. If you are an AU student looking to get involved or an advisor wanting to attend, please contact Samantha Raggio at mailto:sam@amerimunc.com
AmeriMUNC is dedicated to small committee sizes. AmeriMUNC gives delegates one promise: no crisis committee will have more than 20 delegates, and no GA will have more than 40 delegations. AmeriMUNC believes that a Model United Nations conference shouldn't be about having to shout-out other students. And with a committee of a hundred or so students, that simply can't happen. Instead, we cap our committees' sizes to facilitate better dialogue, stronger diplomacy, and more chair-to-delegate communication.
Fundamentally, we believe that AmeriMUNC is a learning experience. We place a heavy emphasis on feedback so that delegates can leave AmeriMUNC knowing what they can do to improve. Besides presenting standard Model UN awards, AmeriMUNC also gives post-conference written feedback from chairs and vice chairs to every delegate who attends our conference. We also present the AmeriMUNC Diplomacy Award to one delegate in each committee who exemplifies the attitude of an individual who prioritizes learning, mutual understanding, and respect over winning at all costs.
AmeriMUNC is hosted on American University's campus in Washington, D.C. Instead of spending registration fees on windowless ballrooms rooms in the basement of a hotel, we splurge on simulation props, smaller and more crisis oriented committees, a delegate dance, complimentary conference meals, and a number of other small details that make AmeriMUNC unique. By hosting our conference on campus, we're also able to negotiate hotel block room rates that are almost $100/night cheaper than other D.C. conferences. In an age of extracurricular funding cuts, this is our attempt to offer a more affordable option to other Model UN Conferences in Washington, D.C.